
Gavin Jackson

Parish Councillor

I’ve lived in Henley-on-Thames for over 20 years, having moved here from
London and before that from Oxford where I studied architecture.
My home and practice is based in the heart of town, as are many of my projects.

Tim Davies

Branch Chairman

Tim and his wife have lived in Henley for seven years.  Previously they spent five years in in Wheatley following 18 years in the US.  He is a Chartered Accountant by profession spending most of his career in media / publishing industry.

Caroline Newton

Parliamentary Candidate

Caroline was born and brought up here in the Henley constituency and lives near Watlington with her family. She has lived here most of her life, though during the course of her career she has also lived in London, Milan and Warsaw.

Pauline Vahey

Branch Officer

Pauline moved to Henley over five years ago with her civil partner. Pauline is now semi-

retired after a forty-year career in the international software industry. Before living in

Henley, she lived for over twenty-five years in a Buckinghamshire Village, Fulmer, where she

Laurence Plant

Henley Town Councillor

Laurence has been a lifelong Henley resident with only brief spells of absence for study. He grew up on Greys Hill followed by Greys Road whilst attending Valley Road school where he was a keen rugby player.

Matthew Barber

Police and Crime Commissioner candidate - Thames Valley

Matthew Barber is the Deputy Police & Crime Commissioner for the Thames Valley, covering Buckinghamshire, Berkshire and Oxfordshire.

John Howell

MP for the Henley constituency

John Howell has lived in the Henley constituency for almost 30 years and was first elected to Parliament as its MP in June 2008. Since being elected John has held a number of positions both in Parliament and representing the UK internationally.